July 12, 2004
1. Why didHamilton feel so strongly about promoting mercantilism
(e.g., Is it the "lever of the riches" or an emulation ofEngland )?
2. How would the government and business environment of theUnited
States differ today if Hamilton had not caught Washington 's attention in
3. Other than the sawbuck, what is the most enduring monument to
Hamilton (e.g., the Fed, the political party, the army)?
4. What definedHamilton 's consciousness (e.g., outsider who becomes
war hero, Fed Ex deliveryman, workaholic Wall Street lawyer) ?
5. WasHamilton the original Democrat or Republican (current parties)?
Does either party label fit? Would Dewey, James or Holmes think of
Hamilton as "like-minded"?
6. Is Ron Chernow a good biographer, and if so what are his weaknesses?
7. For extra credit, who is the man without qualities in this book?
8. Why wasHamilton silent during the Constitutional Convention
(after his "monarchy" speech)?
9. Why wasHamilton so eager to become Washington 's number two
again during the Quasi War withFrance of 1799?
10. What were some of the principal reasonsHamilton 's political
judgment became so poor/sour in his 40's?
11. Was the duel with Burr avoidable/inevitable?
12. Did Burr killHamilton on purpose and if so, why?
13. DidHamilton and Angelica Church make love? Is the proposition
that they did not because of the close relations among Alexander, Angelica and
Eliza persuasive?
1. Why did
(e.g., Is it the "lever of the riches" or an emulation of
2. How would the government and business environment of the
3. Other than the sawbuck, what is the most enduring monument to
Hamilton (e.g., the Fed, the political party, the army)?
4. What defined
war hero, Fed Ex deliveryman, workaholic Wall Street lawyer) ?
5. Was
Does either party label fit? Would Dewey, James or Holmes think of
6. Is Ron Chernow a good biographer, and if so what are his weaknesses?
7. For extra credit, who is the man without qualities in this book?
8. Why was
(after his "monarchy" speech)?
9. Why was
again during the Quasi War with
10. What were some of the principal reasons
judgment became so poor/sour in his 40's?
11. Was the duel with Burr avoidable/inevitable?
12. Did Burr kill
13. Did
that they did not because of the close relations among Alexander, Angelica and
Eliza persuasive?
14. Would Hamilton be considered one of the important founders based
largely on his role as the key cabinet member underWashington ? Without
this role, would he make the cut based on his Revolutionary War exploits
and his role as prime mover of the Federalist Papers? GivenHamilton 's
relatively detached involvement at the Constitutional Convention, and
the relatively limited direct impact of the Papers on the ratification
of the Constitution, do you question his achievement with the Papers
(apart from his ability to explain and promote the work of others)?
largely on his role as the key cabinet member under
this role, would he make the cut based on his Revolutionary War exploits
and his role as prime mover of the Federalist Papers? Given
relatively detached involvement at the Constitutional Convention, and
the relatively limited direct impact of the Papers on the ratification
of the Constitution, do you question his achievement with the Papers
(apart from his ability to explain and promote the work of others)?
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